Packing Makeup for Vacation so You Have What You Need

When going on a trip, we know we can’t bring our entire makeup collection with us. So it’s important to plan ahead and pack smart, when it comes to packing makeup. 

Think of how you can simplify your makeup routine, so there’s less you need to pack. Bring a small eyeshadow palette with a couple colors in it, for an everyday eye look. Although we’re still wearing masks most of the time, bringing a couple different lip colors will help change up your overall look, and can go from day to night. 

If you can, bring travel-size products to save some room. Sephora and Ulta have entire sections dedicated to small products!

And if you love loose powder? Look for a smaller size, or switch to a compact for your trip, just so you don’t end up with powder all over your makeup bag! You could even pack it separately in a ziplock bag just in case!

**Please Note: This post contains affiliate links and we will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on our linksHowever, we only recommend products that we truly love. 

How to Decide What to Pack

I do a couple different things when it comes to packing makeup, so I know I have what I need. 

  1. I do a “run through” for what I need
    1. Whether I’m doing my makeup or not, I’ll go from beginning to end and think through all of the products I need, and pack them as if I’m leaving soon
    2. This is when you can make some decisions on what eyeshadows you want to bring, and lipsticks for example
      • Because we’re going to Disney World on this trip, I don’t need to bring as much makeup as I did for NYC
  2. Actually packing my makeup
    1. The last time I do my makeup before my trip, I’ll only use the products I’ve “packed” so far, and see if I’ll get through my entire look
    2. You never know what you might be missing, until you try to use it and it isn’t there! 

That’s how I (Jen) have ended up using brown eyeshadow in my brows many, many times!

I thought it would be fun to show you step 1, as I do my makeup and pack what I need to bring, and have a couple laughs along the way too! 

All of the products I used and are bringing are listed down below!



Blush & Bronzer


Setting Spray
