Jen’s April Amazon Favorites!

My Amazon cart these days is filled with a whole lot of baby things these days. But I have Amazon favorites that are non-baby related too. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of these are because I am pregnant, but they work for anyone!

Amazon favorites - hoodie and clogs
The Pre-K Moms have seen me rocking this look a lot

Faux-Birkenstock Clogs

I’m all about comfort these days, and it’s getting harder and harder to bend over and put on shoes. So I’m loving these slip-on clogs. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on Birkenstocks, so I went right to Amazon. 

As the weather is starting to get a little less miserable (just a little bit), I’m starting to wear these clogs more and more. I’m wearing them with socks since it’s still chilly, and as it gets warmer I won’t need socks. 

These are going to be especially comfortable when my feet start swelling up, and don’t fit in regular shoes! 

Plus, when baby decides to make his appearance, the weather could be warm or it could be still snowing. So I can make this work for both (unless it’s snowing a couple feet!!). 

Hanes Scoop Neck Bralettes

I continue to be on the hunt for comfortable bralettes, and I decided to give these Hanes ones a try! Wasn’t sure how they were going to work out, but I was pleasantly surprised!

I feel like the girls are secure, plus it’s comfortable enough to wear around the house. And even sleeping at night! 

These likely won’t work while I’m breastfeeding/pumping, but these are great until then and after!

Ziploc Bag Holders

Part of prepping for baby bro is making freezer meals. I did this back before Eme was born, and before Mike had his surgery a couple years ago, so I know I’m definitely going to do it again. 

But what was sort of annoying was trying to put everything in Ziploc bags – holding them with one hand and trying to fill them. Or asking someone to help and hold the bag for you. 

Enter these bag holders! Clip the bag in, and it’s super easy to fill them up without worrying about spilling everywhere! 

Hanes Men’s Hoodie

I’m at the point in my pregnancy where I don’t want to buy a lot of new maternity clothes, but I do need clothes that fit. 

So I’ve been looking for things that I can wear now, and later! 

This hoodie from Hanes is more than affordable, super comfortable, and big enough to wear now, and it won’t look ridiculous later either. 

I spend the majority of my time at home, and in some sort of sweats or pajamas combo, so the more things I have to rotate through the better! 

Now if only they had a pink version, ha! 

I’m definitely looking forward to when this baby makes his appearance, so let me know what your current Amazon favorites are that aren’t baby-related so I can check them out!