Jen’s April Amazon Favorites

This is a relatively digital version of my current favorites! I got a new iPad this month, because my iPad Mini has been officially commandeered by Eme as her own. It has my name on it and she still took it! Granted she’s just starting to learn how to read, but it’s the principle of the matter. 

**This post contains affiliate links and we will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on our linksHowever, we only recommend products that we truly love. 

iPad Air

I’ve been getting a lot of use out of my iPad since I got it. I’ve spent so much time without mine, I forgot what it was like to actually have one! 

Apple Pencil

I knew I wanted to get an Apple Pencil to use with my iPad, because I had one with my iPad Mini. Previously, I used my Apple Pencil to do some digital drawing and painting, like our logo! I used a couple different apps while figuring out what I liked the best. 

I was trying to figure out how to do watercolor, and I had a very specific idea of what I was trying to do. I couldn’t figure it out, and it drove me CRAZY. 

But now, I’ve been using it for work (in addition to for fun), and I feel like this is a game changer! 

If anyone is familiar with the Microsoft suite of products, I downloaded OneNote and linked it with my work computer. 

When I take handwritten notes in a notebook, I always forget where my notes are when I need them. I’ve found handwritten notes are a better way for me to retain the info. But now I have all of my notes organized by projects, and are easy to find! 

There’s a couple options when taking notes; freehand writing notes or writing to text. 

The writing to text was getting a little annoying when it was getting the words wrong. So I’ve been taking all freehand notes. 

I wish there was a way to convert those into text so they can be searched easier, but I’ll take what I can get for now!

Logitech iPad Case

Another thing I needed to get for my iPad was a case. And I thought these cases with an attached keyboard are really cool! I don’t need to use my iPad as a computer often, but it’s really great to be able to. 

I tend to forget I’m using my iPad and not a computer, so I get a little confused sometimes when they don’t function the same!

Funny Story

This is the latest book by Emily Henry! I talked about her book Happy Place in my February favorites and now this is the newest book she released, just last week! 

Without giving too much away, it’s about two people who were dumped by their significant others (for each other!), and what happens as they try to move on. 

If you’ve read and enjoyed other Emily Henry books, give this one a read! 


I know I’ve talked about my Kindle forever and ever and ever, but I continue to use and love mine! I have it hooked up to the Libby app so borrowed books show up in my Kindle. 

If you’re someone who likes to read lots of books and are running out of room on your bookshelf, give the Kindle a try!

What are some of your current favorites? I’d love to know!

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