Easy Holiday Family Photo Outfits for Everyone

As we get closer to the holiday season, more and more of us are getting ready for family photos. But the question I always have is, what do I wear?! You want your outfits to coordinate and look good together. Usually, this means doing my research, looking across different clothing sites, and putting together our outfits! Holiday family photo outfits can be tricky, but I’m here to help! 

We’ve been taking photos for years now, so I’ve had to find a lot of holiday family photo outfits! We’ve taken photos with a vintage truck, a VW bus in pajamas, in a studio and this year at a tree farm! 

Depending on where you’re taking photos, and what kind of vibe you’re going for, here are some ideas for what to wear! 


Matching family pajamas make super cute holiday family photo outfits! Inside in front of a tree, or even outside like we’ve done! 

Personally, I love flannel, buffalo plaid, or fair isle patterns! 


Sometimes it’s just plain fun to get dressed up, feel fancy, and take some gorgeous family photos. And it doesn’t need to be a super fancy location either, the juxtaposition of a more casual location makes for some great photos! 


Fun fact, put this outfit together in two days because Koiya is the best and made a spot for us to take photos!

When I say casual, I don’t mean jeans and a t-shirt. Think cozy sweaters, festive plaid, and seasonal colors. Tiny patterns don’t translate as well in photos, so go for larger patterns, or solid colors. Red, green, white and cream usually go with any holiday background. 


I can’t believe she was ever this small!

Outerwear can apply to all of the different outfit options, depending on where you live and the weather when taking your photos. Cute jackets, puffer vests, hats, or any other outerwear accessory can enhance your outfits!

If you aren’t sure how to do your makeup for professional photos, we’ve got you! Regardless of your outfit, still go a little heavier on your makeup than your normally do. You want your beautiful face to pop! And if you’re wearing false lashes, make sure you have enough glue or bring extra! I can’t tell you how many of these photos I have a lash half popping off!

Our family photos are done by the wonderful Koiya at KJK Photographs. If you’re local to metro Detroit, check her out!