Your Postpartum Kit: Everything You Need!

Postpartum, the time after your baby has arrived, can be a crazy and even a little scary time. There still isn’t a lot of information for moms on what happens in the “fourth trimester”. Having a postpartum kit ready for when you get home will make things a little bit easier. 

There are a lot of things that baby will need when they get home, but this list is just for you mama. Birth is just as hard on the body as running a marathon. So while you’re taking care of baby, make sure you’re doing your best to take care of yourself too. 

An amazing non-profit organization called In Kind Boxes is also helping women with the uncertainty that comes with postpartum. For every box purchased from their website, a box is donated to a woman in need. All women deserve to feel supported during postpartum! Their boxes contain a number of the items on this list, so it’s a great gift for a fellow pregnant woman, or yourself to start your own postpartum kit!

Before we get into all of the things you’ll need, check out this video of my own In Kind box!

Your Postpartum Kit:

To Wear:

Comfortable Clothes/Nursing Bras

You’re going to want everything you’re wearing to be as comfortable as possible after you get home from the hospital. No one is expecting you to look put together, and heck, they might not even expect you to shower. 

Belly Binder

You definitely don’t need a belly binder if you don’t want one. It’s certainly not a waist trainer, trying to get to an hourglass shape (whatever those claim to do). But it’s just to help you feel more secure as you’re healing post-birth. 

Belly binders are especially great for women who have a c-section!

For “Down There”:

Adult Diapers/Pads

You will be bleeding for a while after birth (remember you didn’t have a period for 9 months?), and it’s up in the air for how long it could last. 

You’ll get disposable underwear/pads at the hospital to bring home with you, but you’ll need some more once your hospital stash runs out. 

Ice Packs

While you’re healing from giving birth, using an ice pack pad is going to help soothe the area and bring down any inflammation.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is also great for inflammation and has soothing properties. Ice packs and witch hazel are a match made in heaven for healing after birth!

Peri Bottle

Having a peri bottle at the ready after birth is critical for your comfort when using the bathroom. You’ll probably get at least one at the hospital, but it’s useful to have one for each bathroom in your house. 

Fill up the peri bottle with lukewarm water, and use it during and after going to the bathroom to keep the area clean and prevent infection. 

Sitz Bath

The next step up in pain relief is the sitz bath! Place on your toilet, and fill with warm water. This will help to clean the area, and provide even more soothing.


Dermoplast is a local anesthetic and a topical painkiller. You’ll likely get a can from the hospital, and make sure you use it! 

Other brands also make similar sprays, so take a look and what you think would be the best for you! 

Stool Softener

The first couple times going #2 might be a little scary. The hospital will likely give you stool softeners, and then make sure you have some at home as well. Make it as easy on yourself to go as you can!

Pain Reliever

As long as you feel comfortable, use the pain reliever prescribed to you, or an over-the-counter medication like Advil or Tylenol. You will be in pain, so take what you can for some relief. And take your next dose BEFORE the previous dose wears off!

For “Up Here”:

Nursing Pads

If you’re breastfeeding, your nipples may leak occasionally, and that’s totally normal! Hear a baby crying (that isn’t even yours)? It must be feeding time! 

Disposable and reusable nursing pads fit in your bra, and will catch any milk before it leaks through your bra! 

Nipple Cream 

Also if you’re nursing, your nipples likely won’t be in great shape and they might hurt. Using a nipple cream consistently throughout the day, before and after nursing, will help you not feel as beat up. 

A nipple cream that requires a prescription and a compounding pharmacy is Dr. Jack Newman’s All-Purpose Nipple Ointment.

This nipple ointment is antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. If you can get it, it’s amazing to have on hand! 

Plus, safe to use while nursing. Make sure any nipple cream or ointment you choose is safe for baby to possibly ingest. 

Heating Pad

Clogged ducts can happen if you’re exclusively breastfeeding, pumping and anywhere in between. 

A heating pad can help loosen up the clog, so during your next pumping or breastfeeding session that it’ll hopefully break up.

Olive Oil

This may seem like an odd one for this list, but it does have a purpose! If you’re having a tough time with pumping, use a little bit of olive oil on your nipples as a lubricant. It will reduce the friction in the flange, hurt less, and help the milk flow!

Plus, it’s ok if some olive oil ends up in the milk. It’s good for baby! 

Just For You:

Baby Carrier

Yes, a baby carrier is for baby. But it’s also for you too! Having your hands free as you’re doing things around the house can be a total lifesaver! 

Feeding Essentials

When it comes to breastfeeding or pumping, make sure you have some essentials stashed around the house for when you need them. Keep nursing pads and snacks where you think you might set up shop, maybe even hand sanitizer and lip balm too. And make sure you’re bringing your water bottle wherever you go, and stay hydrated!

Water Bottle

Hydration is so important for your overall health, and is also important for helping you maintain your milk supply. 

Bring your water bottle with you everywhere you can, and keep drinking!

Lip Balm

Hand Sanitizer

Have you started putting together your postpartum kit? What are you going to make sure you include?