Should I Buy It? How to Make a Purchase of Any Size!

You might fall into a couple different camps when it comes to “should I buy it?”. Talking yourself out of it, even if it’s something you really want. Or buying it without thinking too much about it, and if you can actually afford it. 

We’re big proponents of doing what makes you happy, whether that’s a big or small purchase. It’s just important to think it through! We love buying clothes from Target, and occasionally buying a new bag from Louis Vuitton. 

These “should I buy it” steps apply to big-ticket purchases, like designer bags, a new TV, a new computer, etc., it also applies to small to medium sized purchases too! Should I get that pair of expensive jeans? Or those expensive winter boots? The same philosophy still applies!

So when you get the itch to make a new purchase, run through the list below and help decide should I buy it?

None of these questions are meant to ultimately dissuade you from a purchase, just so you can get the full story to make an informed decision! 

So here’s how I (Jen) decide if I should buy it! 

Goyard St. Louis PM (available in store only)

Wait a Little Bit

Do you need this new thing right now, or do you just want it? Fawn over it for a little while, and then walk away for a couple days. Are you still thinking about it, or did you totally forget you wanted it? 

If you’re still thinking about it, great! Go through some of the next questions below!

Want vs Need

Think about the item, and if it’s something you need, or something that you really want. Both are great, and just wanting something shouldn’t ultimately impact your purchase decision. But it’s good to keep in mind as a part of the bigger picture, when it comes to you deciding “should I buy it?”

Do I need a new purse? Not at all, I have plenty that work perfectly fine. Do I want a new Louis Vuitton bag? Absolutely. 

How Are You Feeling Right Now?

This may seem like an odd question, but checking in with yourself can help you take a step back from making a quick purchase. 

I’ve noticed when I’m feeling down (even if I don’t realize it), I end up buying more things that I probably don’t need for that little burst of serotonin when I complete my order and when it shows up. 

Try to see if you might be falling into the same pattern! 

Gucci Ophidia GG small shoulder bag ($1,850, purchased from The Real Real)

How Will I Pay for It? 

This is a two-fold question. How will you pay for it, and what expenses do you have coming up. 

If you have large payments coming up soon, like a mortgage, car payment, tuition, will this purchase either put you in the negative with these other payments? Or close to zero? If so, plan this purchase around when you know you’ll have available cash, and so you still have money to live on.  

The other part of the question is how you’re going to pay for it. Do you have a credit card with the appropriate spending limit? Do you have a card that can earn points or miles? Might as well get a little extra out of a purchase if you can!

Do You Need to Save for This?

Is this purchase something you have expendable funds for right now, or do you need to come up with a plan for saving a little extra each month. And if you plan on saving up, you’ll also reap the benefits of the first question. After saving up for a while, you might realize it’s not something you really need. And now you’ve got some extra cash to put toward something you really do want!

Is it an Investment?

Is this something that once you buy you’re going to use it over and over again? A well-made investment piece is going to last a long time, and won’t go out of style. This principle can apply to a bag, just as much as new designer jeans. 

This is why I’m willing to purchase a new bag, vs an expensive article of designer clothing that will go out of style soon. 

How Often Will You Use This?

Are you going to be using this every day? Or every once in a while? Taking the price and dividing it by the number of uses you’re going to get, will tell you an average “price per use”. 

So if you’re thinking about buying a new pair of jeans for $200, and will wear them twice a week. After two months, that’s $12.50 per use! 

Do Your Research

When I start thinking about a new bag purchase, I do a lot of research to see if it’s something I really want. Start with the website and look at the pictures of the product. Can you find reviews of it? I like to check out Instagram or Pinterest for people using the product, and do I like how they look using it? Can I see myself using it? 

I typically pour over as many photos or info that I can find! Can you find a YouTube video review of the product? See what other people have to say!

You could even take a look at resale sites for more (non-professional) photos!

Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 ($1,550) My FIRST luxury purchase in 2008!

Does This Ever Go On Sale? 

Not everything will be available during a sale, but try and find out if there’s ever going to be a way to get what you want at a discount! Nordstrom will occasionally have sales, among other stores, so keep that in mind depending on what you want! 

Could You Shop Poshmark or The Real Real?

Looking for a designer piece, and you’re ok with buying it second-hand? Check out Poshmark and The Real Real to get new-to-you items for cheaper than retail! 

Make sure you’re reviewing all the photos and information to make sure the quality of the product meets your expectations. 

On Poshmark, you’re more at the mercy of the seller, but Poshmark will authenticate anything sold for over $600. The Real Real takes all products in-house, evaluates them, and sells directly to the end consumer. 

We’ve done a post about using these resale sites, so read here for more!  

I’ve gotten a good number of my bags from both Poshmark and The Real Real, and the biggest difference was that I didn’t get to buy it in the store. But a lot of the time, you’ll get the bag, box and anything else from the time of purchase! 

So the next time you’re thinking “should I buy it?” I hope you take the time to run through this list! It’ll help you discern between gotta-have-it purchases you might regret, and ones that you’ll love for years to come!