Keep your Spirits High and Your Stress Low

We know: “Keep your spirits high and your stress low” is a tall order this time of year. But it’s not impossible. We both know firsthand how hard it is to make time for yourself this time of year. But as we get into this final stretch before Christmas, it’s important to try. We all want to enjoy the day, knowing that all the “to-do’s” are behind us.

So, while we’re not experts, we do have a few ideas to share that are things that we actually do ourselves. We hope that they will help you keep your spirits high too!

Dianne’s Ideas to Keep Your Spirits High

Take a walk

I know it sounds simple, but when I get start to get stressed out around the holidays, getting outside and taking my dog Bandit for a walk does me a world of good, even if I have to bundle up. The fresh air and exercise just help me clear my head and when I get back home I am re-energized!

Get yourself a mani/pedi (or your version of self-care!)

I have had my mani/pedi appointment for December 22nd since October.  And yes, as it gets close I start to question whether I can afford the time, but I never cancel and I am always glad that I went.  Those 90 minutes of self-care at such a busy time actually renews my energy.

If you’re more of a DIY nail person, then we both love Olive & June, The Polish System that we listed in our just released “Gifts for Her” Gift Guide that you can see HERE. Either way, I really recommend carving out some time for yourself, even when you think you shouldn’t. And it doesn’t have to be nails – it can be a massage, a facial, whatever works best for you!

Spend some time reading a holiday themed book

I try to do this every year and last year I found this four part series and bought all four – but only read the first one last year (partly because I started late). So I started these books right after Thanksgiving.  It’s one of the things that I try to make myself stop and do before I go to bed each night.  Even if I fall sleep after a few pages!

keep your spirits high
I am reading this Christmas series by Elin Hilderbrand.

Yes, I Said It. Watch a Hallmark movie

If you just want a simple, feel-good movie to lift your spirits, just pop over the Hallmark Channel – they run pretty much all day long during the peak season. You already know before you start that there will be a happy ending, so just sit back and enjoy! I know people have mixed feelings about these movies, but they are designed to keep your spirits high.

Put on those holiday PJ’s!

You don’t have to wait until Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. When I am reading that book or watching a Hallmark movie, I like having something to feel cozy in.  Ever since I was a little girl, my favorite Christmas TV show is “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”.  I have so many decorations, stuffed toys, you name it.  So, when I found this pj set, well, you know I had to have it.  I wear it around the house all season long

Rudolph PJ's minimize holiday stress
I wasn’t planning on having Bandit in the picture, but he insisted.

Watch a holiday movie while wrapping gifts

This is one that I’ve been doing for many years.  In fact, it started before streaming because I used to play DVD’s (which sometimes I still do).  All these movies I have watched a dozen times, so I don’t have to pay close attention, but love having them on in the background.  My favorites include “The Holiday”, “Serendipity”, “Love Actually” and this is always when I pop in “Rudolph”. It’s a nice distraction from all that wrapping!

Holiday movies

Last, but not least, take some time to be still

One of my most favorite (and calming) things to do is to get up early, especially while it’s still dark. I like to get a cup of tea and just sit by the lit Christmas tree. Just seeing those lights in the dark, while everything is still, puts me in a calm and reflective mood. And looking at all the ornaments, especially the pictures of the boys when they were young on the tree, reminds me of family and what this season is all about.

Jen’s Ideas to Keep Your Stress Low

Spending Time with Family

Eme is three years old, and is starting to understand the holidays and what’s happening. Although we started some traditions when she was younger, it’s even more fun now.

We have a Christmas tree set up in our front window, and when Eme wakes up in the morning and we come downstairs, the first thing she likes to do is turn the lights on. 

She’s also a big fan of opening up her advent calendar in the morning! She’s so-so on numbers above 9, so we’re learning numbers and get to open a present every day! 

Plus, she loves looking at Christmas lights when we’re driving around when it’s dark out! It’s so much fun getting to see her enjoying all the things that make up the holidays. 

It’s even more fun as an adult getting to experience the holidays through Eme!


Seems obvious, but I’m not great at self-care, so it’s worth mentioning. Find something that you enjoy doing and makes you feel better. 

For me, my version of self-care is a face mask before taking a shower, or painting my nails a fun color and using nail stickers. Or, it can be as simple as doing my full skincare routine, and not skipping any steps because I don’t feel like doing the whole thing. 

Your version of self-care could be totally different too! Maybe it’s a glass of wine, or a cup of tea before bed. Whatever it is, do your best to make sure you’re pouring from a full cup, so you can give to others without draining yourself. 


Also obvious, but make sure you get enough sleep at night! Personally, if I don’t get enough sleep at night, my anxiety will gradually get worse and worse.

With family in town, get-togethers and so many things to do, it can be hard to go to bed at a decent time. You don’t have to go to bed at 8pm every night, but make sure you aren’t burning the candle at both ends! 

If you have a hard time falling asleep at night, try reading a book before bed (no phones or TV!), some melatonin, meditation, or a combination of all three!

What do you do to keep your spirits high and your stress low? Let us know in the comments below!