Hospital Bag Checklist: Bring Home Baby!

Last updated on April 21st, 2023 at 09:06 am

Leading up to your due date, it’s important to have your hospital bag ready to go. And having a hospital bag checklist is the easiest way to get it ready! Try to aim for at least a month out for the things you don’t need daily. I know it feels really early, but it’s better to have it done and ready to go, instead of scrambling at the last minute. 

hospital packing checklist, packing toiletries

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Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom:


  • Robe

It might be a little chilly in your hospital room, and a lightweight robe will keep you warm throughout your stay. Don’t plan on a hoodie (unless it’s a zip-up), because you need to make sure everything is accessible! 

  • Slippers

For moving around your hospital room (not too much though) you don’t want to bother with putting on your shoes and walking around in socks is too slippery. A cheap pair of slip-ons will do the trick! 

  • Socks

If your feet are usually cold, make sure you have socks packed! You could also bring a couple pairs of gripper socks if you don’t want to pack slippers too. 

  • Sandals

Not a fan of “public” showers? Bring a pair of flip flops or sandals for whenever you’re able to finally take your first shower post-birth. 

  • Underwear

The hospital will provide mesh underwear and pads, so I would recommend using those (and taking as many home as you can!). But if you’re partial to your own underwear, bring those along with your choice in pads. 

  • Nursing Bra

A lot of your time in the hospital is going to be spent trying to get the hang of breastfeeding (if that’s what you choose to do!), so make sure you have easy access to your boobs. The hospital can also provide a pump, so if you want to try that option as well, bring a nursing bra that can accommodate a pump. 

  • Nightgown (2-3)

A couple nightgowns are crucial after you deliver in the hospital. The Doctors will be continuously checking your nether-regions after giving birth, and a nightgown makes it quick and easy. 

  • Going Home Outfit

Anything can happen during delivery, so make sure your coming home outfit works for both a vaginal and cesarean birth. Bring a maternity shirt you already have in your closet, but make sure the pants work with either type of delivery.

  • Shoes

You’re (hopefully) going to the hospital wearing shoes, and you don’t need to bring more than one pair. But whatever pair you bring or wear, make sure you’ll feel steady enough when leaving the hospital and carrying your baby! Flip flops might not be the best choice!

For the Bathroom

  • Makeup

You 100% don’t need to bring makeup to the hospital with you. With my first, we opted to take some photos at the hospital before coming home, and I did wear a little bit of makeup. 

You don’t need to bring your entire makeup bag. Check out Subtl Beauty and their super portable makeup stacks. I have a stack with concealer, powder, blush, bronzer, eyeshadow and highlighter packed and ready to go. Plus a brow pencil and mascara. Done!

  • Chapstick

If you’re like me, I have a chapstick with me at all times, so I need to make sure I have one at the hospital. I have one packed and ready to go, just in case I’m in a rush to get out of the house and I forget my usual. Ha!

  • Face Wash/Moisturizer/Eye Cream/Shampoo/Conditioner

You don’t have to bring all your toiletries. But if you have any travel size skincare, or can get some with your favorite products, pack them! Plan ahead and pack as much as you can beforehand, so you don’t have to gather up a lot of things as you’re leaving the house. 

  • Glasses/Contacts

Glasses you more than likely use every day, so you definitely can’t pack them ahead of time. Pack a contact case and solution, and maybe some backup contacts just in case. 

Print out your packing list or write yourself a note and leave it on your suitcase that you need to grab your glasses and/or contacts on your way out the door!

  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste

You likely have backup toothbrushes and travel or trial-size toothpaste around the house, so get those packed away! No need to bring your everyday stuff!

  • Towel

The hospital definitely has towels for showering after birth. But, they’re not the nicest. If you’re picky, and aren’t worried about getting your own towels particularly dirty (i.e. blood), then bring some along from home!

  • Medications

The hospital may give you your medications daily if you have prescriptions. But just in case, bring a couple days worth of all your medications, just in case! 

  • Ponybands

Always helpful to have on hand! You’re probably going to want your hair out of your face during labor, and after! Who has time to do their hair at the hospital anyway?


  • Phone Charger

This is a given, make sure your phone is charged up to take pictures, and text/call all your friends and family! 

  • iPad/computer

You might not use these a ton, but if you want to watch Netflix or YouTube while sitting around. I remember the hospital having basic channels last time so you might want some sort of entertainment!

  • Headphones

The first day after giving birth, baby will probably sleep through anything, but it’ll be nice to have headphones with you just in case. Or if your SO decides to take a nap. Ha. 

  • Kindle

Don’t have any shows you need to catch up on, but you have a bunch of books waiting to be read? Bring your Kindle! Make an effort to rest as much as you can after a crazy couple of days!


  • Birth Plan

If you’ve written a birth plan, make sure you bring a copy with you to the hospital and share with the nurses. Just please keep in mind, your birth plan is not the be-all end-all of your birth. Keep as calm as you can, and go with the flow!

  • Pillow/blanket

There’s pillows and blankets at the hospital, yes. But they aren’t going to be as comfortable as what you have at home. If you have a backup pillow and blanket you’re fine being without for a while, get those packed and ready to go!

  • ID/Insurance

You shouldn’t leave home without these anyway, but make sure you have them, even in the heat of the moment! 

  • Snacks/Drinks

You will be provided with meals at the hospital, but bring some snacks and drinks with you for throughout the day. Especially helpful if you wake up hungry in the middle of the night!

  • Masks

Depending on your comfort level, bring some masks with you for walking around outside your room. 

  • Eye Mask

Your room will never really get dark at bedtime, and you’ll have nurses coming in and out to check on you and baby. But an eye mask might help you catch a couple more Zzz’s when you have a chance to nap throughout the day. 

Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby:

What’s great about baby’s hospital bag checklist is they don’t need any of these things right now (obviously), and can be packed right away!

  • Going Home Outfit

It’s fun to pack a special outfit to bring baby home in. And if you have children at home already, could be fun for them to help pick out baby’s outfit!

This includes socks, a hat, and mittens!

  • Extra Clothes (bigger size)

You never know how big or small baby is going to be. If you’re not sure how baby might be, bring an extra 0-3 month outfit just in case!

  • Clothes/Accessories (for in-hospital photos)

While in the hospital, you may have the option to take some newborn photos. If you have any specific clothes or accessories (like a letterboard) you want include, pack them up! 

You can bring a couple outfits with you to the hospital too, but for the most part your baby will be in a diaper and a shirt that the hospital provides (or at least that was our experience). So you don’t need to worry about having a different outfit for each day you’re there. 

  • Blanket

If you have a blanket you want to take photos of baby in, or if it’s going to be cold outside on the way home, bring a blanket! 

  • Boppy

Planning on nursing? A boppy (or something similar) is really helpful for supporting baby while breastfeeding. 

  • Nursing Cover

Depending on your comfort level, you might like having a nursing cover in the hospital. Especially if you’re going to have family and friends come to visit! But while in the hospital you might find that your bits are out more often than they’re not!

  • Car Seat

This is probably the most important thing to bring! Otherwise, how will you get baby home? Most hospitals will offer to have someone come into your room and check out your car seat. They’ll make sure baby fits correctly, and will help if you need to make any adjustments. 

Hospital Bag Checklist for Your Significant Other:

  • Phone Charger

Same for mom, you’ll need that phone! 

  • Camera

If either of you have a nice camera, and want to take pictures beyond on your phone, bring it along!

  • iPad/Computer/Entertainment

Bring any sort of entertainment to stay occupied during any “down time”!

  • Clothes

A couple changes of clothes are good to have, just in case the hospital stay ends up longer than expected. 

  • Pajamas

Don’t forget pajamas for bedtime! 

  • Slippers

Slippers are great for walking around the room. Way more comfortable than shoes, and warmer than being barefoot! 

  • Pillow/Blanket

The beds for significant others definitely isn’t very comfortable. So bring a little bit of comfort from home with a pillow and a blanket! 

  • Toiletries

Bring any toiletries needed for a couple days worth! Travel size are perfect to bring to the hospital! 

  • Medication/Pain Reliever

Significant others won’t be able to get their medications, or even pain relievers from the hospital. So bring any prescriptions and some Tylenol/Advil just in case! 

Download the PDF hospital bag checklist, print it out, and use it as you start packing for the hospital! 

And check out the other posts in the maternity series!