Conquer the Comma: A Unique How-To in Confidence Boosting

What is the comma? You may have heard us talking about it before – the comma is when someone pays you a compliment and then, comma, adds in a qualifier. It’s the exact opposite of confidence boosting.

“You look so good, comma, for your age.” or “Your clothes fit great, comma, for just having a baby.”

Most of the time, these are genuine compliments, but they sure don’t feel like it. It’s hard to get out of your head when you’ve been “comma’d”. 

“Am I too old to be wearing this?” “Do I look like I still haven’t lost the baby weight?”

We focus so much on the second part of the sentence, that we forget how freakin’ great we are! Here are a couple of quick one minute videos on what the comma means to each of us!

Now that you understand the comma a little bit better, you can also understand why in 2022, we’re going to Conquer the Comma

How are we going to do that? Well, we can’t change other people and the way they act toward us. But, we can change how we react and turn that into confidence boosting. 

Conquering the Comma means we’re going to put a lot of emphasis on confidence boosting: building our self-confidence and self-esteem.

Self-confidence is how you feel about yourself and your skills and abilities. You know what your strengths and weaknesses are, and you have a positive opinion of yourself. 

Low self-confidence is having a lot of self-doubt, feeling inferior to others, and very sensitive to criticism. 

Most often, your self-confidence isn’t tied to any actual abilities, but your perceptions of yourself and these abilities. 

Self-esteem is different, and also equally important. It’s the overall feeling of self-worth and value in what you contribute to the world. It’s how much you like yourself, regardless of your circumstances. 

It impacts almost every area of your life, including decision making, relationships, and overall well-being. 

Those with low self-esteem tend to doubt themselves and their abilities, have a difficult time making decisions and don’t think they’re capable of reaching their goals. 

We know that makeup and style can be pretty surface-level when it comes to increasing your self-confidence and self-esteem. A lot of the work has to be done internally to be truly comfortable with yourself. 

What you are on the inside, shows on your face. But there is merit to working on the surface-level, in addition to the inside!

The difference is, instead of someone telling you what you should wear, or how you should do your makeup, we want to help you discover your authentic self. Maybe you love wearing all black, or prefer shopping in vintage stores. Or maybe you discover you absolutely love wearing red lipstick when you want to feel fierce. 

Everyone is unique, and what’s going to make you feel your best is different across the board. 

We have a lot planned for this year – honing in on your style, tweaking your makeup skills, kicking it up a notch at your job, and more! 

We’ve even started a Conquer the Comma Facebook group – we’re going to be encouraging each other along this journey to living our best lives!

confidence boosting

Will “conquering the comma” be a part of your 2022 goal planning? If you’re looking for tips on getting started on your goal planning, check out our two latest blog posts:

Setting Your Personal Goals for the Year

Goal Planning 2022: The Best Gear