Second Trimester Outfits: The Honeymoon Phase

Congrats! You’ve made it to the second trimester – the honeymoon phase of your pregnancy! Your energy is starting to come back, less nauseous, your friends and family know, and you’ve got a cute little bump to dress up! So what about second trimester outfits? What should you wear? 

The clothes you wore during your early pregnancy aren’t going to work for much longer!

A lot of the clothes you buy now can transition into the third trimester, so keep this in mind when you’re buying! When you get far enough along in your third trimester, you’re not going to want to buy any more since you’re so close to the end!

second trimester

Getting into the second trimester, I transitioned to over-the-bump pants, vs. the front panel I was wearing the first trimester. 

Personally, the front panel was great for being comfortable and “hiding” what was going on. But as my bump got bigger, it looked more like I had a muffin top, than a baby. 

You’re going to look at some of the maternity shirts and think “there’s NO WAY” I’m going to fit into that! And then by the end, surprise! 

Find some second trimester outfits that fit your personal style, and make you feel good! 

Casual Clothes

Headed out of the house during the second trimester? Make sure you have some basics in your wardrobe that you can mix with your pre-pregnancy clothes to create a whole host of different looks! 





Work Clothes

Whether you’re going into the office regularly, or occasionally, you might need some dedicated office wear. Nothing too fancy, thankfully not many people wear suits anymore! 




Dressy Clothes

Let me tell you, we had a couple events we went to during my second and third trimesters. And I wore the same dress to all of them. I’m not buying a bunch of different maternity dresses I’m not going to be able to wear again. Plus, I know I can mix up the accessories, makeup, jacket, etc. and create totally different looks! 




This is truly where I shine! I’ve had plenty of practice with sweats and comfy clothes since the start of the pandemic. And being pregnant, I’ve turned up the comfort factor a notch. There’s so much going on with your body, that you should be taking care of yourself!




During the second trimester, you can still wear your normal shoes, but I’d probably shy away from wearing heels often. There’s a lot of really cute flats that are still dressy enough for wherever you’re going, but won’t hurt your feet!

Comfort is still a high priority, and making sure you’re not experiencing any swelling in your feet! Your feet will probably swell in the third trimester, so try to keep it at bay for as long as you can!




Throughout your pregnancy, you deserve to look and feel good (or as good as you can feel!). What are some of your must-haves during pregnancy?

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