Pop Punk Style: Edge Up Your Wardrobe

Back when I was in high school, I loved dressing like I was “sort-of punk”. I had a grommet belt, a studded cuff, and I wanted purple streaks in my hair SO BADLY! A lot of my friends were in pop/punk bands, and would go to shows with my friends on the weekends. I wasn’t all-in though, let’s just say I dipped my toe into punk. Being punk was more of a lifestyle than a fashion trend. And now the edgy pop punk style has been popping up as popular for the fall. And I’m excited for it! 

The History

Pop punk style has long been a way for individuals to make a statement. About popular culture, music and the world around them. This style started to emerge in the 1970’s in the UK with punk rock bands like The Clash, The Ramones and The Sex Pistols. Designer Vivienne Westwood’s punk designs for The Sex Pistols started to define and influence the style. 

Throughout the 70’s, punk music and style started to spread in the US too, with people developing their own personal sense of style.

The Present

There’s a lot of sub-genres of punk, but pop punk and its associated style is likely the one seen most often. Pop punk style tends to overlap a little bit with skater punk fashion. 

Pop punk wardrobes consisted of items like: band t-shirts, hoodies, tartan, baggy pants, converse, checkered vans, stud belts and cuffs, skinny ties, doc martens, skinny jeans and even mohawks. 

The pop punk style and lifestyle at its core is about rejecting mainstream culture (although it’s become much more mainstream), so it’s a little ironic that it’s going to be “popular” this fall. Like any personal sense of style, it has to be something that feels authentic to you. Something for you to feel your best, not just trying out a fleeting fashion trend. 

So with all that said, if you want to try out the pop punk style, here’s some easy ways to edge up your wardrobe! 

Band T-Shirts

All I have to say is, please, please, please know and listen to the band of the shirt you have. Never having listened to the band is very beyond the point of the genre!





Is this something you’d incorporate into your wardrobe? Share your favorites below!