Momfits: Casual Outfits for Moms

Last year, when Eme was in Pre-K three days a week, I didn’t have to think as much about what I was wearing or the other parents. We weren’t at our assigned “home school” (because our school doesn’t offer Pre-K), and not many kids would be going into TK (Transitional Kindergarten) with Eme. I made friends with some of the parents, but it felt more low-stakes because we were going to be split up. And I think everyone was wearing casual outfits for moms! Except for the dads!

I truly know and understand that no one cares what I’m wearing or what I look like in the morning. Throughout the winter, parents only saw me in a puffer jacket that almost touched my ankles, and boots. Now that the weather has gotten warm however, I feel like I should put in a modicum of effort and not wear the same pair of sweatpants and t-shirt that says “It is what it is, and it isn’t great” every day. 

In theory, we’re going to be around a good chunk of these people for the next 13 years, so I do want to make good impressions when I can! 

So I’ve started thinking about momfits, some casual outfits for moms as we’re navigating activities with our kids and other parents. 

Regardless of the situation, I like to have a cool or interesting pair of sunglasses and a nice bag to make the outfit feel a little bit pulled together.

And at the end of the day, you do you! If you don’t feel like thinking too hard about what you’re wearing, that’s totally ok! 

School and Summer Camp Drop-off

casual outfits for moms at school drop-off

Unless I’m going into the office that day, I refuse to “get ready” to take Eme to school. I’ve started doing more of a skincare routine in the morning when I put in my contacts. And will make sure I’m not wearing some horribly embarrassing pajamas. Like the green crinkled velvet ones I’m wearing currently. 

I’m also a huge fan lately of graphic tshirts from Etsy with funny sayings (very specific, I know). In my mind, it says “hey other parents, I’m funny!”

And if getting ready before school dropoff makes you feel good and ready to take on the day, that’s amazing! There was a mom of a kid in Eme’s Pre-K class who has four kids (including a baby born early in the school year) and still put on makeup and got dressed before dropoff. I told her at Starbucks once after dropoff that I thought she was a superhero. And she told me she just takes it one day at a time, because what other option did she have? Great life lessons from someone who has her hands full! 

Sports Games

casual outfits for moms at sports games

Eme has started playing t-ball this year, with my dad helping to coach (which he LOVES). So we’re signed up for weekly games for the next six weeks, and I’m super excited! It’s so fun getting to see Eme try something new.

And with that also comes a whole new set of parents to befriend. And listen, I’m not great at small talk and making new friends, but I at least want to be friendly with them! 

Aside from my childhood best friend, whose daughter is Eme’s best friend, we don’t know any of the other parents. The teams are divided by school, but only THREE kids from Eme’s school in her age group signed up. THREE! That’s Eme, her BFF and ONE other kid! 

The casual outfits for moms at sports games may vary by sport, so keep that in mind! If your kid is really into hockey and freezing cold arenas, you might just need a warm jacket! 

Activities with Other Parents

So this could be anything from a kid’s birthday party, a school event or anything where other parents are going to be around. I don’t feel like I need to go all out for other parents, but I do want to seem like I sort of have my act together. 

The level of how dressed up I’ll be will vary depending on the event. But in general, I’ll make sure I’m not wearing my short shorts for example, and show other parents my butt.

What you wear to a choir concert is going to be different from what you’re wearing to a birthday party in the park, but the general idea is the same!

How much do you think about your momfits and casual outfits for moms? Share what you like wearing!

And regardless of your age, wear the clothes and makeup that make you feel confident!